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A Cooperative Playgroup


Our parents really make all the difference in our program. Parent participation showers children with love and attention and helps to make each day run smoothly. Families are able to make lasting friendships and we even have fun adult social events to have those much needed nights off.

Member Cooperation

I to I does not employ any paid staff. Instead, the successful operation of our program depends entirely on the volunteer efforts of each family, who are asked to donate work hours each semester as a condition of membership. This helps keep our membership fees extremely affordable.

Work Hours

The program relies on its member parents to contribute a modest "gift of time" to help run and enhance the program. Parent involvement is paramount to the program and more importantly to creating a positive experience for your child.

There are many different jobs that are done in order to keep our program running smoothly. Each day there are 4 assistants (two which set up the room and two which clean up), and a circle time leader. Each day has a coordinator to manage a schedule of these jobs, working with members' requests and needs. Members typically do not have a job each week, but will perform each job once or twice each semester, depending on enrollment.

Orientation is held prior to the start of each semester and every member is required to attend. Orientation is an opportunity to meet all the members of the semester, learn more about what your role for I to I will be, and answer any questions you may have.


General Membership Meetings (GMMs)
Since everyone's schedules are different, we hold 2 separate GMMs to accommodate more people. Every member is required to attend at least one GMM, though we encourage attendance at both if possible. Dates are published at the beginning of each semester, including one weeknight and one Saturday morning, allowing members to plan ahead for attendance.

These meetings are important as major decisions, such as the distribution of program funds, are made at this time. This is also an opportunity to get to know parents from other playgroup days and discuss how things are going with families on your day. 

Cleaning Party

This is held at the end of each semester and every member is required to assist. At the work party we clean and organize the toys for the next semester, throw out old or broken toys, and decide on additional items that we may need. This is also an opportunity to meet members from other playgroup days and have fun while cleaning. Many hands make light work.

If you cannot attend this evening meeting, you can often take things home with you from playgroup to clean and then return.


Parachute fun
For more info, ​see our FAQ page​
Leadership Roles

In addition to the hours each family gives, there are many leadership roles that need to be filled during the year. These positions do require a greater time commitment but most can be done at home on your own schedule. They are key roles that need to be filled in order for the group to run smoothly. You can also choose a role that best fits your skills and interests, so please consider taking on a position.


Not every member of the group will hold a leadership role.


Please check our handbook for detailed job descriptions and to see which roles are currently in need of volunteers.


  • ​Program Coordinators

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

  • Registrar

  • Supply Manager

  • Day Coordinators

  • Advertising Chair(s)

  • Craft Chair(s) Cleaning Party Chair

  • Community Outreach Coordinator

  • ​Church Liaison

  • Social Organizer

  • IT Coordinator

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