Infancy to Independence
A cooperative playgroup for children ages 0-5 and their parents
A Typical Semester

There are two 16-week semesters during the school year: Fall Semester from September to January and Spring Semester from February to June.
Each playgroup day has a brunch twice a semester in lieu of the
discussion time. The brunch is an opportunity to have fun together,
eat delicious food, and discuss how the semester is going. It also
allows the children a chance to experience many different styles of
food, encouraging more adventurous eating.
Field Trips
Each spring we have a field trip to the fire or police station. This is not only a fun experience but also an opportunity for our children to see our civil servants in a non-threatening situation. If a crisis situation ever arises in your home, your child will have had a positive experience with our civil servants, which will hopefully lessen any fears.
We also organize field trips outside of our usual playgroup days. On these trips we get a chance to mingle with members from other days. Places we have visited include Waltham Fields farm, Drumlin Farm, The Discovery Museum, and Apple picking at Honey Pot Hill.